Why Choose Queen of the Rosary School?

image girls outside school

Why Choose Queen of the Rosary?

Since 1959, Queen of the Rosary School has maintained a strong academic presence in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. After fifty years, the school’s traditions and sense of community continue to attract new students, as well as second-generation school families.

Besides its competitive academic programs, Queen of the Rosary offers many extracurricular activities, such as ethnic fair, science fair,  student council, orchestra band, hand chime choir, and Spanish classes. Sports are also available to students in grades four through eight:  girls’ volleyball; boys’ volleyball; girls’ basketball; boys’ basketball; girls' softball co-ed soccer and cheerleading. Clubs include Coding Club, Art Club, Library Crew and are created based on student interest.

Digital learning is weaved throughout the curriculum.   Students in grades K-2 each have an iPad and students in grades 3-8 each have a chromebook.  Students in preschool classrooms share an iPad cart.  All students are able to access computers, chromebooks or ipads in the LMC.  Appropriate use of technology and digital citizenship is taught through Common Sense Media lessons.

Queen of the Rosary also prides itself in the area of communication. A Thursday Newsletter is emailed out to families and is posted on the website. Parents and students in grades 3-8 have immediate access to daily grades through the school’s online grade book within Power School. Many teachers use either Google Classroom or Seesaw to communicate with students and families regarding classroom assignments and activities.  In addition to the school webpage, families can also follow school updates on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Parents are an integral part of the school and are involved in School Board, Parent Club and Boosters. Queen of the Rosary School challenges students to become the best they can be both academically and spiritually.