Faith Formation

Feast of the Blessed Rosary

Faith Formation

Queen of the Rosary School is committed to the spiritual and moral development of each child. We believe the parish school is an integral part of the Catholic Church community. The key elements of our mission are spiritual growth, learning, community, and service. Below are listed some of the activities students participate in for faith formation.


Students in all grades have religion class every day.

Morning Prayers

Students in grades 1-8 lead morning prayers over the PA. In addition, students in 8th grade lead lunchtime and end of the day prayers.


Students attend Mass on Tuesdays. Grades 1 through 8 participate in the planning and leading the Mass by doing readings, petitions, and bringing up gifts. Parents and family members are invited to attend any of the school Masses.

Prayer Services

Students plan and lead Prayer Services throughout the school year.


Students in Grade 2 make the sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Students participate in the First Communion Retreat with students from the parish Religious Education Program.
Students in Grade 8 make the Sacrament of Confirmation. They participate in a Confirmation retreat with students from the parish Religious Education Program. In preparation for Confirmation, students write a report on a saint. They dress up as the saint and present their report to QR classrooms.

May Crowning

Students in 2nd Grade and 8th Grade lead the May Crowning Prayer Service. They make up the court and the crowing is done by an 8th grader. The entrance procession consists of 2nd and 8th grade each carrying a flower to honor Mary. The 2nd grade students wear their First Communion outfit and the 8th grade students wear their graduation cap and gown.

Altar Servers

Students in 4th grade can become an altar server Altar Server Sign Up

Living Stations

During the Holy Week, the 6th grade class lead Living Stations


The older students are buddies to the younger students in grades Pre K- 1st grade. They help out with projects, going to Mass, and additional activities.

Cougar of the Month

The first Friday of each month is a Spirit Day. The morning kicks off with the Cougar of the Month celebration. Students in preschool through grade eight are recognized for their individual achievements in academics and character.

Service to Charities

Students in all grades participate in a variety of acts of service throughout the school year. Below are listed some of the past and current events.
Food Drive each month
Change for Change Days raise money for various charities
Making Sandwiches for Catholic Charities
Feed My Starving Children
Halloween Candy for Soldiers
Fall leaf raking for seniors
Christmas Gifts for those in need
Baby Bottle Fundraising for Women's Shelters